mardi 24 mars 2015

list all categories that have a certain word in title

How to list all the categories that have a certain word in title - first word of the category? in category.php

so, for example, if I am viewing the category "Green Apples Sells", it will list all the categories that start with the word "Green"

Update, added another check: IF the category contains one of these two words "South" or "North", then check if the next word is the same, and if it's not, don't list the category - only list the categories that match the first and the second word.

Example for the second check: I have categories for countries and continents: "South African Apples", "South African Oranges", "South Korean Apples", "South Korean Oranges"

now, when I browse the category 'South African Apples' I want to show the categories from South Africa (so it must check if the second word is the same, because in this case we have "South" in the title, which is one of the two words mentioned), not from South Korea, that's why if you check for the second word after "South", you will get only the right country

thank you

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