I feel like I am taking crazy pills. I did a Wordpress install as a favour and set it up using Nginx and php5-fpm with microcaching. I followed the wordpress.org instructions and when I finished I tested the install with ab and hit it with 100,000 requests with a concurrency of 100. The site worked fine and responded to my browser request while getting hit by ab.
Now a couple days later the site is completely unresponsive: Nginx responds with a 504 Gateway Time-out. And I see very strange requests in the error logs.
A representative Nginx log entry looks like this: - - [30/Jan/2015:05:11:51 +0000] "GET /blob HTTP/1.1" 301 5 "-" "WordPress/4.2-alpha-31287; http://example.com"
That IP address is a Cloudflare address which is not unsurprising since I put this install behind Cloudflare. And the log is just full of entries exactly like this over and over and over. I then restart php5-fpm and get four requests in quick succession and then it seems like it stops responding.
What is going on? I noticed this similar behaviour and thought maybe it was a bad plugin or theme, but I moved the blog over to a fresh install of WP this began again.
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