I'm building a custom post type that relies on three custom taxonomies. I'm registering all the custom posts and tax... using the init action (this works and I can manage the new aspects)
register_taxonomy( 'cppstrands', array( 'cppstatements' ), $args );
//Part of the cppmatrix_init method called here
add_action( 'init', 'cppmatrix_init', 0 );
I am also trying to prepopulate the tax.. with data when the plugin is activated using register_activation_hook but this fails as Taxonomy does not exist.
if(taxonomy_exists('cppstrands')) ...
//Part of the cppmatrix_dataInstall called here
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'cppmatrix_dataInstall');
I am suspecting that init happens before register_activation_hook but don't know what to do to solve it.
Can anyone help?
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