mardi 30 décembre 2014

Querying A Post That Includes Two Taxonomies Using JSON Rest API

I'm using the JSON Rest API plugin ( I have two custom taxonomies with one term each:

  1. Inner Part Categories

    • Eye

  2. Symptoms Categories (Man)

    • Broken Bone Single Fracture

I need to show posts that match both of these categories and terms. I've tried the following:[taxonomy]=inner-part-categories&filter[term]=Eye&filter[taxonomy]=symptoms-categories-man&filter[term]=Broken%20Bone%20Single%20Fracture

But this method only returns the posts under the last declared taxonomy and term. For example, if I switch the tax and term around as such:[taxonomy]=symptoms-categories-man&filter[term]=Broken%20Bone%20Single%20Fracture&filter[taxonomy]=inner-part-categories&filter[term]=Eye

It will then only show posts under the tax inner-part-categories and term Eye and ignore the first tax and term query.

I've been searching for hours and having found a solution.

I was also thinking maybe an array of sorts could be passed in the ajax data request, sort of how it's done in WP Query. I have the following code:

data: { filter: { 'posts_per_page': -1, 'post_status': 'publish', 'orderby': 'title', 'order': 'ASC' } },

Thanks for your help.

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