lundi 29 décembre 2014

Missing domain http://./wp-… in redirects

I am migrating my WP website from staging to production and I have a problem with Dashboard access.

When I try to access


it redirects me to


I can login with going directly to http://<domain>/wp-login.php and I can go to any Dashboard page but cannot change anything (with Save button) without redirecting to http://./wp-admin/….

For example, if I want to change post content,

  1. I do it and hit Save button.

  2. Then I redirects to http://./wp-admin/post.php?post=20&action=edit&message=1.

  3. Then I go back and see that post changes are saved.

The same problem is with changing Permalinks settings.

So what is broken: there is a dot . instead of my domain in redirect URIs.

Maybe it is because of cyrillic одиссейдом.рф domain?

Have I add some rewrite rules to fix it?


I saved a page, go back, save again and there is no problem.

Then I tried to change site title in Settings/General and there is no problem too.

Then I tried to turn off Emoticons in Settings/Writing and there is no problem.

But activating/deactivating a plugin goes with problem.

I have no idea, my friends.

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