I'm developing a plugin that adds a tab to the media uploader to add external videos to the media library via oembed. Everything works as expected but I need to switch to the library tab after adding a new external video via the new tab. This is part of the code I'm using:
wp.media.controller.Custom = wp.media.controller.State.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.props = new Backbone.Model({ custom_data: '' });
this.props.on( 'change:custom_data', this.refresh, this );
refresh: function() {
customAction: function(){
wp.media.post( 'add-oembed', {
url: this.props.get('custom_data'),
post_id: wp.media.view.settings.post.id
The line this.frame.content.mode('browse') is supposed to make the switch to the library tab, but I'm getting an error message that says: TypeError: this.collection is undefined.
Any ideas?
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